IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness (Virtual Workshop)
September 18, 1–4 p.m. ET
This workshop introduces the fundamentals of benchmarking as a way to demonstrate institutional effectiveness. It is designed for individuals with little to no experience in benchmarking studies. Participants use data from the IPEDS Surveys, Data Feedback Reports, and the “Use the Data” center at the NCES website to learn about the types of comparison groups that can be constructed. Exercises demonstrate establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) and identification of variables to refine comparison groups.
Learning Outcomes
- Articulate the role benchmarking can play in higher education decision making
- Identify key IPEDS variables for benchmarking
- Use your institution’s Data Feedback Report as a basic benchmarking tool
- Create custom reports using Create a Custom Feedback Report function
- Select appropriate types of comparison groups for benchmarking projects
- Use Compare Institutions to rank and compare institutions
This workshop is available at no charge to participants. Funding for this workshop is provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
If you have any special needs addressed by the American with Disabilities Act, please contact the IPEDS Workshop Team at 850-385-4155 x2 or email ipedsworkshops@airweb.org.