
AIR/MidAIR IPEDS Student Financial Aid and Cost Survey (In-Person Workshop)

November 06-06, 2024
AIR/MidAIR IPEDS Student Financial Aid and Cost Survey (In-Person Workshop)'s Image

November 6, 1–4:30 p.m. Central Time (CT)

The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) and the Mid-America Association for Institutional Research (MidAIR) are co-hosting an IPEDS Workshop for IPEDS data providers and users. Funding for this workshop is provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). 

Workshop Content

This workshop provides foundational training for completing the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) Survey and the new IPEDS Cost Survey (CST). Participants will learn to manage, store, and extract financial aid data. Key financial aid concepts, creating frozen data files, and accurately completing the SFA survey will be covered. Additionally, the workshop includes a review of the new CST requirements, as well as best practices for collecting, reviewing, and submitting CST data to ensure accuracy and timeliness. Participants will understand the shift of certain cost information from the SFA to the CST survey. The training also explores leveraging these files for internal reporting and understanding the use of IPEDS financial aid data for external purposes and benchmarking.

Learning Outcomes

  • Complete the IPEDS Student Financial Aid and Cost Surveys accurately and effectively
  • Describe the function of financial aid in U.S. higher education and explain financial aid concepts (types, source, programs, etc.) as well as basic principles of financial aid administration
  • Explain how financial aid concepts are used in IPEDS
  • Describe and discuss the importance of adopting an integrated approach to survey completion
  • Construct a system for ‘freezing’ appropriate data and using a ‘frozen file’ for multiple financial aid reporting uses
  • Describe how the data reported in the IPEDS Student Financial Aid and Cost Surveys are used.


  • Location: University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO
  • Includes workshop materials
  • No tuition charge to participants


The workshops are limited to 45 participants. Workshop seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Seat confirmations are delivered via email on a rolling basis approximately 3 business days after an online seat registration is submitted. Workshop registration components: 

  • Contact and employment information
  • IPEDS Experience
  • Brief description of how the specific curriculum offered at the workshop will benefit you
  • Supervisor's Contact Information (for workshop attendance acknowledgment communication)
  • Agreement to:
    • Bring a MAC or PC laptop with wireless capability and Microsoft Excel
    • Arrange and pay for travel and hotel as needed
    • Attend the entire workshop and complete the workshop evaluation
    • Notify AIR immediately if unable to attend the workshop


This workshop is available at no charge to participants. Funding for this workshop is provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).


If you have any special needs addressed by the American with Disabilities Act, please contact the IPEDS Workshop Team at 850-385-4155 x2 or email

About AIR IPEDS Workshops Terms and Conditions

Date(s): November 06-06, 2024