Schedule at a Glance
Monday, May 19 (Pre-Conference Education)
Pre-Conference Education Sessions (additional fee required; not included with regular AIR Forum registration)
Tuesday, May 20
Pre-Conference Education Sessions (additional fee required; not included with regular AIR Forum registration)
Impact Sessions (included with regular AIR Forum registration)
Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall
Wednesday, May 21
Breakfast and Opening Keynote (meal included with regular AIR Forum registration)
Exhibit Hall and AIR Networking Hub Open
Concurrent Sessions
Lunch Break, Poster Presentations, and Networking in the Exhibit Hall (food for purchase)
Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall
Affiliated Organization (AO)/Auxiliary Meetings
Thursday, May 22
Exhibit Hall and AIR Networking Hub Open
Concurrent Sessions
Coffee, Lunch Break, Poster Presentations, and Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall (food for purchase)
Affiliated Organization (AO)/Auxiliary Meetings
Friday, May 23
Concurrent Sessions
Closing Brunch and Keynote (meal included with regular AIR Forum registration)