FVT / GE Regulations Resources

About the Changes

During the fall of 2023 the Department of Education (ED) released several regulatory packages that add new and expanded reporting requirements for institutions. These include Financial Value Transparency (FVT) and updated Gainful Employment (GE) rules. The regulations are intended to provide more data about student debt, financial aid gaps, and completion and success rates.

This webpage includes information gathered by AIR, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), the American Council on Education (ACE), and the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) to assist institutions with the FVT/GE reporting requirements.

Add your questions about FVT/GE regulations or reporting in this Google Form.

The resources are not intended to be a substitute for regulatory guidance from the ED, but supplemental information and resources.

Important Update

FVT/GE reporting deadline extended from July 31, 2024 to October 1, 2024. See the Resources from the U.S. Department of Education section below for a link to the Notice of Timeline Change from the Department of Education on 3/29/2024.

Resources and Information

2024 AIR Forum Session Replay Recordings and Materials

Sessions held May 29, 2024

FVT/GE Regulations Webinar Recordings 

Overview of Reporting Requirements 

Resources from the U.S. Department of Education

Resources from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)

FVT/GE Reporting Solution Webpage

FVT/GE webinars offered by NSC

  • Monday, July 29 at 2 PM, ET: FVT/GE: Sign up for Success with the Clearinghouse REGISTRATION LINK
  • Thursday, August 1 at 12 PM, ET: FVT/GE: The Completers List Process Unveiled REGISTRATION LINK

Other Resources

Articles from AIR

AIR Community Survey

In April 2024, AIR surveyed members to better understand the resources and training needed to accomplish FVT/GE reporting.

Review the Findings