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The AIR Professional File
Articles published in The AIR Professional File volumes are journal-length publications grounded in relevant literature that synthesize current issues, present new processes or models, or share practical applications related to institutional research.
Books and Monographs
AIR books and monographs are authored by members and represent topics in institutional research and assessment. They are available to view in electronic form.
AIR Partner Book Discounts
Contact membership@airweb.org to request discount codes.
- Stylus Publishing - AIR members save 30% off list. (choose from two books: Enhancing Assessment or The Analytics Revolution)
- Wiley/Jossey Bass - AIR members save 35% off list.
Studies & Reports
AIR conducts research, assessment, and evaluations on a variety of topics of interest to IR professionals and is committed to making data and resources available to AIR members and the greater higher education community. This section of the website provides links to papers, research, and reports about the field.