Information on the IR certificate programs listed below is provided by the programs themselves and posted as a resource for readers. Please note that AIR does not endorse or accredit IR certificate programs. Contact for corrections, updates, or new listings.
American College of Education
Data Analytics Micro-Credential
The Micro-credential in Data Analytics is designed to focus on conducting research and analyzing data. Students will also interpret the data to make evidence-based decisions as a business leader to move the organization forward.
Ball State University
IR Graduate Certificate Program
The Ball State University interdisciplinary IR Graduate Certificate
Baruch College
MSEd in Higher Education Administration
The Master of Science in Education in Higher Education Administration at Baruch College is ideally structured to meet the needs of higher education professionals who seek to advance careers in higher education. Students have two options for completing the program: The Administration and Leadership Track or The Institutional Research and Assessment Track.
Boston College
Institutional Research Certificate
The Certificate in Institutional Research prepares professionals for higher education careers as institutional research officers and analysts where addressing institution-related questions and problems requires: Skill in program evaluation, assessment development, general research design, and applied social science statistics; and Familiarity with institutional structures and operations.
Claremont Graduate University
Master’s in Education, Concentration in Educational Evaluation and Data Analysis (EEDA)
The MA in Education with a concentration in EEDA prepares you to work in K-20 educational data settings such as program evaluation, assessment, and institutional research. Upon graduation, you will understand evaluation theory, social science methods, data management and analytics practices to meet the challenges in educational settings.
Florida State University
Certificate in Institutional Research
The Florida State University Certificate in IR is designed to provide academic and professional development opportunities for institutional researchers, administrators, graduate students, and faculty. Students will have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and understanding of IR, explore institutional, state, and national databases, and apply their knowledge to practical situations.
Indiana University
Indiana University Graduate Certificate in Institutional Research
The program is for master's or doctoral students in higher education (or relevant field) and working professionals. The curriculum offers foundational knowledge, technical skills
Kent State University
Institutional Research and Assessment Certificate Program
Kent State University is pleased to offer a Certificate in Institutional Research and Assessment. The certificate is focused on enhancing knowledge and skills development in the areas of higher education assessment, institutional research, technology,
and the organization of higher education.
North Dakota State University
Institutional Analysis Option within the Education Doctoral Program (Ph.D. or Ed.D.)
North Dakota State University offers the Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees in Education, both with an emphasis in either Institutional Analysis or Occupational and Adult Education. The Institutional Analysis curriculum was designed to provide the knowledge, skills
Pennsylvania State University
Higher Education Program Graduate Certificate in Institutional Research
The Pennsylvania State University program provides students with the skills that support institutional planning and policy
Rider University
Online Master of Science in Higher Education Assessment, Analytics and Change Management
Rider University’s accelerated, online Master of Science in Higher Education Assessment, Analytics, and Change Management program takes an analytical, data-driven approach to affect positive change at education institutions. Professionals may elect to earn a 30-credit graduate degree or a 15-credit graduate certificate.
Sam Houston State University
Higher Education Assessment and Institutional Research Online Certificate Program
The program develops postsecondary faculty and administrators’ abilities to access, manage, analyze, and use data in today’s complex higher education contexts, and supports faculty and staff of all levels and from a variety of institutional types in learning about assessment, institutional research, data management, analysis, accountability, accreditation, strategic planning, enrollment management, leadership, and resource management.
University of Denver
IR Concentration within the Ph.D. in Research Methods and Statistics (RMS) Program
The Institutional Research concentration focuses on providing institutional researchers with strong quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methods skills to be utilized in different fields.
University of Florida
Online Masters of Education (M.Ed.) in Research and Evaluation Methodology
The online M.Ed. in Research and Evaluation Methodology prepares you to work on positions that require research design and analysis of educational data. The online program includes a practicum experience. Graduates go on to work in positions such as institutional researcher, data analyst, data scientist, measurement specialist, and program evaluator. Coursework in this online M.Ed. program includes educational research methodology, educational statistics, and program evaluation. Students also choose from a rich set of electives that allow students to explore cutting-edge topics such as learning analytics, machine learning, quasi-experimental design, and survey methodology. You’ll collaborate on projects with others in the program alongside our world-class faculty, and explore opportunities for application of knowledge in your professional practice.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Online Master’s and Graduate Certificate Programs in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment (MESA)
The U of I College of Education program offers students the opportunity to improve quantitative skills as institutional researchers with an online MEd in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment of an online graduate certificate program in Educational Research Methodology.

University of Iowa
Certificate on Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The University of Iowa’s Certificate in Institutional Research and Effectiveness provides students with the skills and content knowledge to thrive as professionals, using data for institutional and organizational decision-making, reporting, and accountability in higher education and K-12 contexts. The certificate program can be completed separately or while enrolled within an M.A., Ed.D., or Ph.D. degree program.
University of Kentucky
Masters of Science in Research Methods and Graduate Certificate in Research Methods in Education
The masters degree provides students with a specialization in the application of educational research methods. The Graduate Certificate provides students with the ability to specialize in education research methods that can be applied to a host of disciplines (e.g., social sciences, physical sciences, and business).
University of Miami
Institutional Research & Policy Analysis track in the MSEd
The Institutional Research and Policy Analysis track focuses on skills necessary to conduct applied institutional research related to the effective functioning of postsecondary institutions. Areas of study extend beyond integrating research into effective administrative or policy initiatives to include understanding state and federal policies, higher education foundations, statistics, and data analytics.
University of Michigan
IR Concentration within the Master of Arts in Higher Education Program
The University of Michigan's Institutional Research (IR) concentration promotes conceptual, technical, and practical skills necessary to conduct applied research in or pertaining to postsecondary institutions and system offices. These skills include factual knowledge about postsecondary institutions and systems, research methods used by IR professionals, knowledge of the processes and issues affecting institutions, and an understanding of an institution's context and culture.
University of Missouri-St. Louis
Graduate Certificate Program in Institutional Research (IR)
The Graduate Certificate Program in IR provides the formal training institutional researchers need in an era of increased federal and state reporting requirements, legal mandates, extensive use of “data mining,” and pressure for accountability. The number of IR offices is expanding with even small institutions needing trained academics as institutional researchers.
University of Nebraska
Institutional Research Master of Arts
IR professionals plan the data collection, the analysis, and the interpretation that support administrators’ decision making. This includes, for example, strategic planning, accreditation, and policy development. In short, IR facilitates an institution fulfilling its mission. Our program ensures that graduates have 'real world experience' through practicum(s) in institutional research.
University of North Carolina Charlotte
Institutional Effectiveness Certificate
Practitioners in post-secondary/higher education IE enter the field from many different paths and some do not possess formal training. While certificate and graduate-level programs in Institutional Research exist, none address the wide range of responsibilities,
knowledge, and skills associated with an IE practitioner. This online certificate will address the hard and soft skills necessary for an IE practitioner with multiple responsibilities to include student learning, strategic planning, institutional
accreditation, and data analytics.
UC San Diego Extension
Certificate in Institutional Research
UC San Diego Extension's online certificate in Institutional Research is comprised of three 4-unit core courses, with an internship in an IR office offered throughout the program. The certificate offers an overview of the field of institutional research, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, creating research instruments and evaluating university outcomes.
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Certificate in Institutional Research (IR)
The University of Wisconsin-Stout Certificate in IR provides skills in institutional research-specific areas including enrollment management, assessment, accountability, data management, and strategic planning, as well as competencies in ethical considerations, project management, communication, data collection, and analysis. An application course and practicum focus on application of concepts and processes.