U.S. News Rankings, ACUHO-I Grant, and Survey Opportunity
Now Available: U.S. News Best Colleges Unpublished Rankings and Excel Data Files
U.S. News is again providing, at no cost to institutional researchers, Excel spreadsheets with ranking data that appear in the main rankings tables in the Best Colleges 2020 Edition guide book. These spreadsheets will be emailed directly to each individual and contain only data that appear in the published ranking tables. U.S. News will provide AIR members Excel spreadsheets for the 2020 and 2019 editions. U.S. News will also continue to provide AIR members unpublished rankings for their institution from the Best Colleges 2020 and 2019 Edition. The Best Colleges 2020 Edition was launched publicly September 9th. For Excel files and unpublished ranking requests or questions, contact rmorse@usnews.com.
ACUHO-I Accepting Proposals for Funded Research Grants Program
ACUHO-I is accepting proposals for the October 2019 cycle of its Funded Research Grants program. To date, the program has awarded over $100,000 to 25 studies. Financial support is available for selected research studies that address how campus housing interfaces with any of these research areas: graduate/family housing, public-private partnerships; student outcomes; student success; and leadership in campus residential context. Accepted proposals will receive up to $7,000 (USD). Potential applicants should review resources, including the rubric, application requirements, and previously funded proposals here. Email questions to research@acuho-i.org. Proposals will be accepted through 11:59 PM EASTERN TIME on Tuesday, October 8.
Survey: How Prior Career Roles & Professional Development Experiences Impact Advancement of IE Unit Leaders
Twenty five institutional effectiveness leaders are needed to participate in a qualitative dissertation study on how prior career roles and professional development experiences impact the advancement of Institutional Effectiveness Unit Leaders. Take the survey. This dissertation study is being conducted by Bobbijo G. Pinnelli, doctoral candidate at Gwynedd Mercy University. For questions or concerns, email pinnelli.b@gmercyu.edu or call 610-247-3958. This study has been reviewed by the Gwynedd Mercy’s IRB and has been approved for the solicitation of participants (IRB Protocol Number 57-19).