IPEDS TRP Summary Open for Comment
Suggestions from IPEDS Technical Review Panel #60, “Monitoring Emerging Issues in Higher Education” are posted at https://edsurveys.rti.org/IPEDS_TRP/Default.aspx and are currently open for comment. This TRP meeting was held on October 22 and 23, 2019 in Washington, DC. Comments from interested parties should be sent to Janice Kelly-Reid, IPEDS Project Director at RTI International, at ipedsTRPcomment@rti.org by December 9, 2020.
Distance Education Resource Page
A Distance Education Resource page has been added to the IPEDS website. The page explains how distance education is defined in IPEDS, which survey components collect data on distance education courses and programs, and how to report distance education given the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The page is linked from the “Other Resources” sections of the related IPEDS Survey Component pages, or can be found at: https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/use-the-data/distance-education-in-ipeds