• 12.19.22

A Message from Christine M. Keller, Ph.D., AIR Executive Director & CEO

  • by AIR

As we enter these final days of 2022, I extend warm greetings to the AIR community. It is a time of year to celebrate, to appreciate, and to anticipate. And as I reflect back on the last year at AIR, we have much to celebrate. We successfully hosted the first in-person Forum since 2019. We were able to secure another five-year contract to provide IPEDS education and training. And we supported the development of current and future leaders of the profession through our inaugural LEADs course.  

Celebrating these and other accomplishments from 2022 would not be possible without the time, talent, and hard work of AIR community members—our instructors, our mentors, our subject matter experts, our committee members, our advisors, and many, many other volunteers. The volunteer leaders who make up the AIR Board of Directors and the Nominations & Election Committee deserve special recognition and appreciation for all their contributions over the past year. I remain deeply grateful for all of your generous service to AIR. And I look forward with hope and anticipation to 2023 and the privilege to continue to walk with you as, collectively, we learn, we share, we problem-solve, in order to make the world a better place through education and through data. So on behalf of the AIR staff, I wish each of you a festive and restorative holiday season, however you choose to celebrate. Thank you for all that you do to support AIR and our profession. Happy holidays.