Board Corner

  • Board Corner Board News
  • 01.30.23

Board Happenings: Vote on Constitution and Bylaws Recommended Changes

  • by Karen L. Webber, AIR President

I hope you had a good holiday season filled with happiness and hope for the year ahead. I hope one of your resolutions for 2023 is to be actively engaged with AIR!

I’m sure your fall was filled with continuing to renew your in-person work rhythm or perhaps adjust to a new hybrid norm. However it’s done, I know we’re mindful to keep IR and IE at the forefront of campus decision support!

Members of the AIR Board of Directors remain busy with many important tasks that seek to strengthen IR and our association. In October, Board members met in Cleveland to address many business items and to see the site for our upcoming AIR Forum, May 29 – June 3, 2023.  The Cleveland Convention Center and hotels are fabulous and provide ample space for our meeting and lodging. Sitting on the edge of Lake Erie, the downtown area is replete with many restaurants, shops, museums, and of course, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Perhaps you’ve reviewed the information on AIR in Motion regarding the proposed changes in Board leader name and subsequent changes to the Constitution and Bylaws. An important item discussed by the Board of Directors and shared at the Annual Business meeting in June 2022, presented through coffee chats this past fall, and published on the AIR website includes the proposal to change the name of the Board president to chair and to elect the chair from within the Board, among other changes. Please be sure to add your vote before February 1, 2023.

The AIR Board of Directors is looking to the future in other ways too. Chaired by Dr. Laura Palucki Blake, the Future of Institutional Research in Higher Education committee continues its work to articulate important issues for our profession and to begin a longer-term conversation about how we can most effectively approach changes to ensure strong IR/IE in higher education. I see this as a critical strategy for the future of IR and I’ll update you on the committee’s progress in my next column. 

As I mentioned in my last Board Corner note, knowledgeable, savvy, and capable IR leaders will move our profession forward. I hope you are engaging with AIR to help you seize you IR day!



Vote on Changes to the AIR Constitution and Bylaws
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