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2022 NCES Data Institute Research Report

Fostering Pell Student Success: The Role of Institutional Characteristics 

Slides [PDF]

While the Federal Pell Grant has increased access to higher education, not all institutions graduate Pell students at the same rate. This session features a presentation from participants of the 2022 NCES Data Institute that examined the role of institutional characteristics of four-year institutions in the United States on enrolling and successfully graduating Pell recipients in four years. The researchers employed multiple methods on IPEDS data, including a typology of Title IV, four-year, baccalaureate-granting institutions using their Pell recipient enrollments and four-year graduation rates, descriptive analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and multinomial logistic regression. Session participants can expect to leave with a better understanding of which institutional characteristics are positively associated with Pell student success, and how this success varies across the United States.

Recorded April 24, 2023


  • Colleen Quinn Vandenboom, Eastern Washington University
  • Shannon Tinney Lichtinger, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Cecilia Nyamwandha, LeMoyne-Owen College
  • Peter Simpson, Abt Associates
  • Ling Chen, University of Massachusetts Amherst