AIR National Survey of IR Offices

The National Survey of IR Offices is a nationally representative, longitudinal study of the institutional research (IR) function within U.S. higher education institutions.

The survey collects information about IR office structure, leadership, resources, and effectiveness. 

This project, which began in 2015, seeks to better understand and improve IR office operations, which support the efficiency and effectiveness of data-informed decision making in higher education. 

National Survey of Institutional Research Offices Report

2021 AIR National Survey of IR Offices 

The 2021 AIR National Survey of IR Offices attempted to survey IR office leaders at more than 3,000 postsecondary degree-granting institutions. Institutions of all sectors, types of control, and sizes were included in the sample. In total, responses were collected from 1,142 institutions, and 554 of those institutions completed the survey in full.


Benchmarking Reports

This series of benchmarking reports provides a further level of disaggregation for those needing information at the survey question level. These reports provide comparative reporting by factors like major institutional sector, U.S. region, and total student FTE. In addition, there is a longitudinal comparative report between like items from the 2018 and 2021 surveys.

2018 AIR National Survey of IR Offices

The National Survey of IR Offices gathers data on a wide array of topics. In an effort to ensure that key findings are made available in a manner that is useful, the 2018 results are presented in a series of report briefs. This approach allows for focused attention on specific topics, and collectively, the briefs provide a rich overview of the field of IR. 


2015 AIR National Survey of IR Offices Findings

Survey Instruments and Reports